Sunday 5 June 2011

//project three - Bundner Kunsthaus (Grisons Art Museum, Chur)

reflection...our final project for DAB530 was to complete an analysis on a piece of architecture and its relationship to its context, from the city we had already studied. I chose The Grisons Art Museum in Chur to study and analyse for project 03. At first it was hard to get my head around what the assignment was all about, as i found it a bit confusing the fact that we had to create our own criteria sheet for marking.

When i started getting into the assignment the next hurdle that i came across was the issue of being unable to find significant information on the building that i had chosen in Chur. Further, unfortunately google maps and google earth did not have street view for this city and only had a few relevant still images that were useful. I suppose in a way this was kind of a good thing as it made me analyse the building in a more creative way which i wouldn't have done if i had more immediate research and information available to me.

//below is my final board for project 03

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