Sunday, 8 May 2011

//week ten

Reflection… today in the tutorial we received feedback for our final boards from project two that we submitted in week nine. We also talked about what architectural element from our city from project two that we would like to analyse for project three.  I have chosen to analyse the Bundner Kunstmuseum in the center of Chur.  The fine arts museum was built in 1874 and was intended to be a private residences, it wasn’t until 1919 when it began being accessed by the public.  The building, today, has an extension on the back of it; this space is used as part of the exhibition space.

In the lecture Mirko talked about the importance of heritage with in a city and how it is an important aspect in order to understand the city. This made me think about the city Dubai which is a very newly developed city with little heritage to help visitors and residents identify themselves with in the city. It is a city which exhibits a total disregard to human scale. When heritage buildings are demolished and cities are rejuvenated this lack of identity can occur even if it had once presented a close interaction between the people and the architecture. Today i learnt that it is important to have a combination of old and new which compliment each other in order to achieve a presence of connection to the city.

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