Tuesday, 5 April 2011

//week six - history analysis of Chur & mobility map

Chur is one of the oldest cities in Switzerland and sits on the southeast edge of the Rhine river.  A stream called Plessur breaks away from the Rhine and runs directly through the bottom half of the city, where the old town is situated. It appears that as the town is so closely located to the stream that it may have been the main access point to the city before the train lines and other transportation were introduced.
The addition of a major train line in 1858 allowed for easier access and transfer of goods to and from the city of Chur (n.a. 2010). It runs directly through the city from the bottom southwest corner to the top northeast corner.  As seen in the diagram, Chur is a centre point for linking cities nationally and internationally via train.  It also serves as a transfer point for travellers wishing to visit some of famous ski resorts in Switzerland. It is clear from the mobility map that the bold train line holds significance to the city.  The directness of the line through the city could bring one to the conclusion that Chur is a town that not many people visit with the intention of staying, rather they are there in transit while on their way further north or south.
To the southeast corner of Chur is the old town that exhibits narrow streets and very thin alleyways (as seen in the Nolie map). Before cars, this part of the city would have functioned well travelling by foot. In the old town today, as the streets are too narrow for cars, pedestrians are the only form of traffic.
Contrary to conclusions made above about Chur being a transit city, it is obvious that the city has slowly started to become a place where people visit. The addition of new roads, bus lines and the movement of the city centre to a new location allowed for cars and other transport to travel with greater freedom.  The extensive bus line that allows you to travel intercity and links you to and from the train stations, is an integral part of how the city functions. Although the city is still largely used as a connecting point for other destinations due to the major train line it exhibits, Chur is also largely visited for is cemented history and ancient architecture. 

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